"Extremism in the Defense of Liberty is No Vice. Moderation in the Pursuit of Justice is No Virtue!" --Barry Goldwater.

Friday, July 29, 2005

Santorum for President in 2008

America is moving to the right and Hilary Clinton is now trying to out right-wing President Bush because she realized that the American people are not buying the leftist socialist crap she has been preaching for the last 25 years. But I don't think she would even try to out right-wing Sen. Rick Santorum. Sen. Santorum may even do us one better, he may bring out the hard left-winger she really is in her heart of heart. Sen. Santorum of Pennsylvania is such a threat to the Democrats they have put their full weigh behind the effort to unseat him in 2006.

Just think about it, if Sen. Santorum ran for President he would most likely win all the state President Bush won in 2000 and 2004 plus Pennsylvania leaving the Dems with no chance in 2008. The Dems recognize this threat to their ambition and has declare Sen. Santorum as enemy number one, from Howard Dean to Hilary Clinton all Dems are now focusing on the 2006 Pennsylvania Senatorial election to dispose of their greatest threat for the White House in 2008. Pennsylvania is a state the Dems can’t afford to lose with its 21 Electoral College votes.

Sen. Santorum is a strong conservative vs. the weak conservative Pres. Bush. Sen. Santorum is pro-life, pro-family, pro-business and pro-America. And Sen. Santorum is not shy to fight for his views with the liberal in the Senate and in the media. That’s another reason the Dems hate him so much, he’s a true and proud conservative that will call them to their face what they are and tell them their ideas are immoral and disgraceful. Sen. Santorum is outspoken and often compare the tragedy of abortions to the tragedy of slavery in American history. Sen. Santorum is a modern day abolitionist and a future President.

1 comment:

Jim said...

Let me ask you if you agree with this.

Any legislature should be able to make any law. If it is a "bad" law, that's OK because the legislature will correct its mistake next year or the next. Courts should not have the ability to rule against that law.

Do you agree? If the legislature would correct it next year, why would they pass it in the first place? What if they don't change it?

What if the legislature of, say, Missouri passed a law that says all children must go to public school and parents are not allowed to send their kids to private school or to home school them. Bad law? I think so. Should the citizens of Missouri depend on the legislature changing their mind next year, or wait for the next election to vote the SOBs out? What do they do in the mean time? I think parents should be able to go to court and get the law nullified. But the Constitution says absolutely nothing about parents sending their kids to private school or home school. So obviously, there is no Constitutional "right" to home school kids or send them to private school, right?

But here is Rick Santorum on CNN:

SANTORUM: I didn't. I said it was a bad law. And... They had the right to make it. Look, legislatures have the right to make mistakes and do really stupid things...but we don't have to create constitutional rights because we have a stupid legislature. And that's the problem here, is the court feels like they have a responsibility to right every wrong. When they do that, unlike a Congress, that if we make a really stupid mistake and we do something wrong, we go back next year or next month and change it, and we've done that. Courts don't do that. They only get cases that come before them and they have to make broad, sweeping decisions that have huge impact down the road.

That's what happened in Griswold. It was a bad law. The court felt, we can't let this bad law stand in place. It's wrong. It was. But they made a -- they created out of whole cloth a right that now has gone far, far from Griswold versus Connecticut.